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py-cx_Oracle Oracle binding for Python
py-datapkg Tool for distributing, discovering, and installing data packages
py-datashape (V) Data description language
py-dbf Pure python package for reading/writing dBase, FoxPro, and Visual FoxPro .dbf files
py-dbfread Reads DBF files and returns the data as native Python data types
py-django-helmholtz (V) Framework for creating neuroscience databases
py-dsinternals Directory Services Internals Library
py-elastic-transport Transport classes and utilities shared among Python Elastic libraries
py-elasticsearch Python client for Elasticsearch
py-gdbm Python interface to gdbm - GNU database manager
py-google-cloud-bigquery (V) Google BigQuery API client library
py-graphene-sqlalchemy (V) Graphene SQLAlchemy integration
py-hiredis (V) Python wrapper for hiredis
py-ipython-sql (V) RDBMS access via IPython
py-kb Minimalist command line knowledge base manager
py-klepto (V) persistent caching to memory, disk, or database
py-ldap LDAP client API for Python
py-ldap3 Strictly RFC 4510 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client library
py-lmdb Universal Python binding for the LMDB
py-metakit Embedded database library
py-mongo Python driver for MongoDB
py-mrio-common-metadata (V) Common Datapackage schema and utilities for MRIO tables
py-mssql Python interface to MS SQL
py-mssql2 (V) Python interface to MS SQL
py-multidict Multidict implementation
py-mysql-connector Standardized mysql database driver for Python development
py-mysqlclient MySQL database connector for Python
py-orderedmultidict Ordered Multivalue Dictionary - omdict
py-peewee Small, expressive ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite
py-pg8000 (V) PostgreSQL interface library
py-pgnotify Python interface to PostgreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY
py-PgSQL Python DB-API 2.0 compliant interface to PostgreSQL
py-pickleDB (V) Lightweight and simple database using json
py-pickleshare Tiny shelve-like database with concurrency support
py-postgresfixture (V) Fixture for creating PostgreSQL clusters and databases
py-postgresql Python interface to PostgreSQL
py-psycopg2 PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
py-pymysql Pure-Python MySQL driver
py-pypika SQL query builder API for Python
py-pypika-tortoise Forked from pypika and streamline just for tortoise-orm
py-python-sql Python library to write SQL queries
py-redis Redis Python client
py-redis-cluster (V) Cluster library for redis 3.0.0 built on top of redis-py
py-rrdtool Data analysis tool generating graphical representations
py-semidbm (V) Cross platform (fast) DBM interface in python
py-sqlalchemy Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
py-sqlalchemy-i18n Internationalization extension for SQLAlchemy models
py-sqlalchemy-json (V) JSON type with nested change tracking for SQLAlchemy
py-sqlalchemy-migrate Schema migration tool for SQLAlchemy
py-sqlalchemy-stubs (V) SQLAlchemy stubs and mypy plugin
py-sqlalchemy-utils Various utility functions for SQLAlchemy
py-sqlite2 SQLite database adapter for Python
py-sqlitedict (V) Persistent dict in Python, backed up by sqlite3 and pickle, multithread-safe
py-SQLObject (V) Allows you to translate RDBMS table rows into Python objects
py-sqlparse Non-validating SQL parser
py-sqlrelay Python extension for SQL Relay
py-swh-lister (V) Software Heritage lister
py-swh-model (V) Software Heritage data model
py-swh-objstorage (V) Software Heritage Object Storage
py-swh-objstorage-replayer (V) Software Heritage content replayer
py-sybase Sybase interface for Python using FreeTDS
py-table Python RDBMS wrapper for various databases
py-testing-common-database (V) utilities for testing.* packages
py-tinydb Tiny, document oriented database optimized for your happiness
py-tokyocabinet Python wrapper to tokyocabinet database
py-tortoise-orm Easy async ORM for Python, built with relations in mind
py-tranquil (V) Integrating SQLAlchemy with Django
py-trytond-ldap-authentication LDAP authentication module of the Tryton application platform
py-unicodecsv Drop-in replacement for Python's csv module with unicode support
py-whisper Fixed-size database, similar in design to RRD
py-wtforms-alchemy (V) Generates WTForms forms from SQLAlchemy models
py-zlmdb (V) Object-relational zero-copy in-memory database layer for LMDB
qdbm Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
qdbm-cgi CGI scripts of QDBM
qdbm-plus C++ API for QDBM
qore-freetds-module Freetds DB driver for qore
qore-mysql-module MySQL DB driver for Qore
qore-odbc-module ODBC driver for Qore
qore-openldap-module Openldap module for Qore
qore-pgsql-module PostgreSQL driver for Qore
qore-sqlite3-module SQLite module for Qore
qt6-odbc Qt6 odbc SQL driver
qt6-psql Qt6 PostgreSQL driver
quicklist Simple database like AppleWorks & MS Works
R-DAAG (V) Data analysis and graphics data and functions
R-dbplyr Database backend for dplyr
R-GRASS (V) Interface between GRASS 5.0 geographical information system and R
R-ISwR (V) Data sets and scripts for 'Introductory Statistics with R'
R-MySQL (V) R interface for MySQL
R-PHYLOGR (V) Functions for phylogenetically based statistical analyses
R-RSQLite 'SQLite' interface for R
R-sqldf Manipulate R data frames using SQL
rdb Relational database system that uses standard filters via pipes
redis Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
repmgr Replication Manager for PostgreSQL clusters
rrdtool Data analysis tool generating graphical representations
rrdtool12 Data analysis tool generating graphical representations
ruby-activeldap Object oriented interface to LDAP
ruby-activerecord-odbc ActiveRecord ODBC adapter
ruby-activerecord61 Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails 6.1)